Updating the GPT-4 PDF Chatbot LangChain Repository (mayooear)

Credit to mayooear

The GPT-4 PDF Chatbot LangChain repository is a powerful tool that uses the GPT-4 API to build a chatGPT chatbot for multiple large PDF files. It leverages technologies like LangChain, Pinecone, TypeScript, OpenAI, and Next.js to achieve this. LangChain is a framework that makes it easier to build scalable AI/LLM apps and chatbots, while Pinecone serves as a vector store for storing embeddings and your PDF in text to later retrieve similar doc

However, we’re going to make some changes to the repository. We’ll be removing Pinecone and updating it to Faiss. Here’s how you can do that:

  1. Install Faiss Node Run npm install faiss-node@0.1.1 to add Faiss Node to your project.

  2. Update /scripts/ingest-data.ts Replace the Pinecone lines with:

    import { FaissStore } from "langchain/vectorstores/faiss";

    And update the document loading process as follows:

    // Load the docs into the vector store
    const vectorStore = await FaissStore.fromDocuments(
      new OpenAIEmbeddings()
    await vectorStore.save('./index');
  3. Update utils/makechain.ts Replace the Pinecone lines with:

    import { FaissStore } from "langchain/vectorstores/faiss";

    And update the chain creation process as follows:

    export const makeChainFaiss = (vectorstore: FaissStore) => {
      const model = new OpenAI({
        temperature: 0, // increase temepreature to get more creative answers
        modelName: 'gpt-3.5-turbo', //change this to gpt-4 if you have access
      const chain = ConversationalRetrievalQAChain.fromLLM(
          qaTemplate: QA_PROMPT,
          questionGeneratorTemplate: CONDENSE_PROMPT,
          returnSourceDocuments: true, //The number of source documents returned is 4 by default
      return chain;
  4. Update pages/api/chat.ts Replace the Pinecone lines with:

    import { makeChain, makeChainFaiss } from '@/utils/makechain';
    import { FaissStore } from "langchain/vectorstores/faiss";

    And add the following to load the vector store and create the chain:

    // Load the vector store from the same directory
    const loadedVectorStore = await FaissStore.load(
      new OpenAIEmbeddings()
    //create chain
    const chainFaiss = makeChainFaiss(loadedVectorStore);
    //Ask a question using chat history
    const response = await chainFaiss.call({
      question: sanitizedQuestion,
      chat_history: history || [],
  5. Set up your .env file You will need to add your Azure OpenAI Service details to your .env file. This should include your Azure OpenAI API Key, instance name, deployment name, completions deployment name, embeddings deployment name, and API version. The entries in your .env file should look something like this:


    Here’s where you can find each piece of information:

  • AZURE_OPENAI_API_KEY: This can be found on the resource page for the Azure OpenAI resource Key and Endpoint section.
  • AZURE_OPENAI_API_INSTANCE_NAME: This is the name of the Azure OpenAI resource. For example, in my case, it’s ucdenver-azure-openai.
  • AZURE_OPENAI_API_DEPLOYMENT_NAME: This is the main model you deployed. For example, in my case, I deployed gpt-35-turbo and named it gpt-35.
  • AZURE_OPENAI_API_EMBEDDINGS_DEPLOYMENT_NAME: This is the embeddings model you deployed. For example, in my case, I deployed text-embedding-ada-002 and named it text-embedding.
  • AZURE_OPENAI_API_VERSION: This is the current version of the API. As of now, it’s 2023-05-15. More information can be found here.
  1. Test in postman

    GET https://ucdenver-azure-openai.openai.azure.com/openai/models?api-version=2023-05-15 this will give you models and capabilities - remember to set the api-key
    POST https://ucdenver-azure-openai.openai.azure.com/openai/deployments/text-embedding/embeddings?api-version=2023-05-15 this will give you the embeddings

This should complete the update of your GPT-4 PDF Chatbot LangChain repository to use Faiss instead of Pinecone.

Shawn McCarthy
Shawn McCarthy
Graduate Instructor

Shawn McCarthy is a distinguished Chief Architect Forum Board Member and Vice President, Chief Architect, Global Architecture, Risk and Governance at Manulife. He is currently pursuing a PhD, focusing on the impact of global events on market sentiment, and is developing an extensive model for market prediction and risk management. Additionally, as a Graduate Instructor at the University of Colorado, he fosters innovation and growth in future leaders. His work consistently echoes his professional motto Inspire Growth.