Assignment Five


The objective of this assignment is to create a React Single Page Application that interacts with your previously developed API. The application will enable users to search for movies, display information about a selected movie, view stored ratings, and submit a new rating for a movie.


  • Completion and deployment of Assignment 3 (React app supporting SignUp and Logon)
  • Completion and deployment of Assignment 4 (API supporting reviews)
  • Source code from REACT from earlier assignment3 Classroom
  • Classroom

Detailed Steps

1. Updating API to Include Movie Images

  • Expand your MongoDB movie collection by adding a new attribute to store the URL of a movie’s image.
  • Update your Movie schema in Mongoose accordingly:
const MovieSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
  title: { type: String, required: true, index: true },
  releaseDate: { type: Number, min: [1900, 'Must be greater than 1899'], max: [2100, 'Must be less than 2100']},
  genre: { type: String, enum: genres },
  actors: [ActorSchema],
  imageUrl: String,
  // rest of your fields

2. Securing All Endpoints with JWT

  • For this assignment, make sure all your API endpoints are protected with JWT authentication.

3. Implementing User Interfaces

  • User SignUp and Logon Interface

    • Utilize your User MongoDB collection to facilitate the storage of new users.
    • Your React application should provide interfaces for users to sign up (with name, username, password) and log in (with username, password).
  • Main Screen

    • Display the top-rated movies on the main screen of your React application.
    • Your GET /movies endpoint should sort the results by average rating (server-side).
      • Update your /movies (with reviews=true) endpoint to sort by average rating in descending order.
      • Implement this feature in your API and consume this API in your React application to show the sorted movies.
const aggregate = [
    $lookup: {
      from: 'reviews',
      localField: '_id',
      foreignField: 'movieId',
      as: 'movieReviews'
    $addFields: {
      avgRating: { $avg: '$movieReviews.rating' }
    $sort: { avgRating: -1 }
Movie.aggregate(aggregate).exec(function(err, docs) { ... });
  • Movie Detail Screen
    • Design a movie detail screen that shows the Movie, Image, Actors in the movie, and the aggregated rating for the movie.
    • Use MongoDB’s aggregation framework to compute the average rating of reviews.
    • A grid should display the reviews (username, rating, review).
    • When a movie is selected from the main screen, the movie detail screen should be shown.
const aggregate = [
    $match: { _id: movieId }
    $lookup: {
      from: 'reviews',
      localField: '_id',
      foreignField: 'movieId',
      as: 'movieReviews'
    $addFields: {
      avgRating: { $avg: '$movieReviews.rating' }
Movie.aggregate(aggregate).exec(function(err, doc) { ... });

Step 4: Deployment

  • Deploy your React application on a platform like Heroku, Render, Vercel, or Netlify.
  • Make sure the deployed application is able to communicate with your API.

Step 5: Submission

  • User is able to sign-up (name, username, password).
  • User is able to log in to the application (username, password).
  • User is able to see a list of movies and select a movie to see the detail screen (top-rated movies displayed).
  • User is able to enter a review on the detail page (enter a rating and comment) – the logged-in user’s username will be associated with the review (as captured from the JSON Web Token).


  • -3 Not able to add comments
  • -2 Not aggregating rating (average rating)
  • -3 if not pointed to the correct endpoint (e.g., HW4 endpoint)
  • -5 if you don’t have a React website deployed

