Assignment Three


This assignment aims to enhance your understanding of NoSQL databases, particularly MongoDB. You will build a Users collection for storing user data and implement a signup and signin functionality. Additionally, you will also create a Movies collection to store movie information. All endpoints will be secured with JWT tokens obtained from successful signin operations.


  • Basic knowledge of JavaScript
  • Basic knowledge of Node.js
  • Node.js installed on your local machine
  • Access to GitHub Classroom
  • Accept GitHub Classroom – this should have been provided to you by your instructor. Classroon Assignment3
  • GitHub Classroom will clone the repository CSC3916_Assignment3 for you into your GitHub Classroom repository.
  • There is also a REACT deployment that you will need to clone and deploy to a static site hosting service. Classroom CSC3916_REACT
  • GitHub classroom will clone the repository CSC3916_REACT


Step 1: Create MongoDB Movie and User Collections

Create two MongoDB collections to store movie and user information.

Movie Collection Schema:

const MovieSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
  title: { type: String, required: true, index: true },
  releaseDate: { type: Number, min: [1900, 'Must be greater than 1899'], max: [2100, 'Must be less than 2100']},
  genre: {
    type: String,
    enum: [
      'Action', 'Adventure', 'Comedy', 'Drama', 'Fantasy', 'Horror', 'Mystery', 'Thriller', 'Western', 'Science Fiction'
  actors: [{
    actorName: String,
    characterName: String,

User Collection Schema (this is provided to you in the scaffolding project):

const UserSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
  name: String,
  username: { type: String, unique: true },
  password: String, // this should be hashed in real-world scenario

Ensure that your Movies collection contains at least five movies.

Step 2: NodeJS Web API

Create a NodeJS Web API to interact with your MongoDB database. This API should adhere to best practices, including having a separate route for each collection (e.g., /movies). The API should support all CRUD operations (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE).

Ensure that incoming entities contain the necessary information. If a movie does not contain actors, for instance, the entity should not be created and an error should be returned instead.

Step 3: User Authentication and JWT Token

Implement JWT authentication for all your endpoints. To achieve this, you must also implement a User collection in MongoDB, each user document should include:

  • name (String)
  • username (String, unique)
  • password (String, hashed)

If a user tries to sign up with a username that already exists, return an error message stating that the user already exists.

Remember to store your JWT secret key in an environment variable.

Step 4: Implement Signup and Signin in the Frontend

Update the existing pre-react CSC3916_REACT project to support /signup and /signin operations. The React Single Page App should interact with your Assignment 3 API for these operations.

Step 5: Deploy Frontend to Static Site Service

Deploy your updated React app to a static site hosting service, such as Render or Netlify. Make sure to set any necessary environment variables (such as API URLs) in the hosting service’s settings.

Mermaid Entity Relation Diagram

classDiagram class Movie{ +String title +Number releaseDate +String genre +Array actors } class Actor{ +String actorName +String characterName } class User{ +String name +String username +String password } Movie "*" -- "3" Actor : contains

#Route Details

moviesReturn all moviessave a single movieFAILFAIL
movies/:movieparameterReturn a specific movie based on the :movieparameterFAILUpdate the specific movie based on the :movieparameter in your case it’s the titleDelete the specific movie based on the :movieparamters your case it’s the title
  • If Query String (Later Homework) reviews=true aggregate in reviews

Sorry for the interruption, here’s the completed markdown:


  • All source code should be hosted on GitHub. Remember to exclude the node_modules directory using a .gitignore file.
  • Your API should be deployed to either Heroku or Render.
  • A Postman collection including the following tests:
    • Signup a user (create a random username and password in your pre-test)
    • Signin a user – parse the returned JWT token and store it as a Postman environment variable
    • Separate requests for each endpoint (save a movie, update a movie, delete a movie, and get a movie)
    • Test error conditions (e.g., user already exists, movie missing required information)
  • Create a file at the root of your GitHub repository. Embed your Postman collection using markdown.
  • Submit the URL of your GitHub repository to the CSC_3916 assignment on Canvas.

Note: All tests should target your Heroku or Render endpoint.


  • -5 for missing REACT site (-2 if you are not able to signup or signin on the react site) that is all we implemented
  • -1 for MovieSchema missing any of the attributes (array of actors, genre, year released, or title)
  • -2 for missing routes for /movies (POST/PUT/DELETE/GET)
  • -1 for missing authentication on routes
  • -2 for not deployed on Heroku/Render
  • -1 missing test error conditions
  • -1 missing PostMan tests (signup, signin, separate call for each route)

