Assignment One


The purpose of this assignment is to set up your GitHub and Render instances for future assignments. You will create an Echo server, setup auto-deployment on Render, and test the server using Postman.


  1. Sign up for a free GitHub account if you don’t already have one.
  2. Accept GitHub Classroom – this should have been provided to you by your instructor. Classroom Assignment1
  3. GitHub Classroom will clone the repository CSC3916_Assignment1 for you into your GitHub Classroom repository.
  4. Sign up for a free account on Render.


Step 1: Creating an Echo Server

  1. Navigate to the cloned repository on your GitHub Classroom repository.
  2. Create a new file server.js.
  3. Implement an Echo server using Node.js and Express.js. This server should respond with the same string it receives in a POST request.

Step 2: Setting up Auto-deployment on Render

  1. Follow the steps in the Render guide to setup auto-deployment from your GitHub repository.

Step 3: Creating a Postman Request

  1. Open Postman and create a new POST request to your Render-deployed Echo server.

  2. Create an environment variable echo_body for the body of your request.

  3. In the ‘Tests’ tab, write tests to validate the response such as status code, response body, and response time.

    // Check if the status code of the response is 200
    pm.test("Status code is 200", function () {;
    // Check if the response time is less than 200ms
    pm.test("Response time is less than 200ms", function () {
    // Check if the response body is equal to the echo_body environment variable
    pm.test("Response body is correct", function () {

Step 4: Creating readme and Sharing Collection

  1. Create a file at the root of your GitHub repository.
  2. Share your Postman collection and include it in your readme. Make sure to include your environment settings.

Step 5: Submission

  1. Commit and push all your changes to your GitHub repository.
  2. Submit the GitHub repository URL to Canvas.


  • -5: Not deployed to Render.
  • -5: Missing Postman Test.
  • -1: For each missing assert (test).


Replace “your-collection-id” with the actual ID of your collection.

Run in Postman
